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Share your Ideas and Suggestions for Nasha Mukt Jammu and Kashmir

Start Date: 11-09-2023
End Date: 12-10-2023

The administration of Jammu and Kashmir has taken a strong stance against drug dealers and traffickers within the UT, implementing a strict zero-tolerance policy. They have ...

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The administration of Jammu and Kashmir has taken a strong stance against drug dealers and traffickers within the UT, implementing a strict zero-tolerance policy. They have initiated a campaign known as "Nasha Mukt Abhiyaan" to combat the issue of drug abuse. It is incumbent upon society to come together and participate in this battle against the drug menace.
Under this initiative, the government of J&K has launched a campaign aimed at creating drug-free communities, including cities and villages. The primary goal is to raise awareness among the youth and PRIs within the UT, urging them to distance themselves from this harmful problem. Through a concerted and proactive approach, representatives from all segments of society will collaborate closely with the administration to ensure that villages and neighborhoods remain free from the scourge of drugs.
In this context, MyGov J&K cordially invites everyone to share their innovative ideas and valuable suggestions to contribute to realizing a drug-free Jammu and Kashmir.

Last date of submission is 12 Oct 2023

All Comments
125 Record(s) Found

kunal kishore 1 year 4 months ago

Nashamukti is a very big concern for Jammu and is a border state of our country.there are some suggestion for it.
1 Meditation is a best medicine for control over Nasha mukti.
2 creative friend circle help us to far away from masha mukti.
3 Satsang is a way to control over Nasha mukti.
4 social pressure is a best way to far away from it.

BilalHassan 1 year 4 months ago

Education, Awareness campaigns and strong community support are the keys to make jammu and kashmir drug free, like if engage the youth to games and productive thing are the main thing to distract youth from taking drugs, giving youth enough knowledge about the evils of drugs, althogh youth has to come a step closer to stop drugs in J&K youth should make little groups or societies to stop this social evil whenever they see anything like thios happening in the society they should take action.

kunal kishore 1 year 4 months ago

Nasha mukti is a big concern for Jammu and kashmir.some suggestion given for it.
1 Friend circle should be minimum.
2 Strong moral and social value.
3 Meditation is a best way to protect from it.
4 Spiritual and inspirational book will be study
5 Satsang will be organised for youth to discuss positive and creative talk.
6 Nasha mukti chapter has been included in school syllabus .7 sports and entertainment activity will be happen on daily basis.

DrSoniaVerma 1 year 4 months ago

Participate in eco friendly activities.
Read books daily.
Get out of addiction of mobile.
Workout daily.
Go for long drive when you have desire of any drug.

BrahmDevYadav 1 year 4 months ago

ड्रग्स छोड़ने के लिए क्या करें?
कैसे ड्रग की लत से छुटकारा पाएं:-
1.छोड़ने का मन बनाना।
2.पेशेवर विशेषज्ञ की मदद लेना।
3.पीयर-बेस्ड सपोर्ट ग्रुप को ज्वाइन करना।
4.पुरानी आदतों को छोड़ना।
5.शरीर और दिमाग को स्वस्थ रखना।
6.बिना ड्रग के अपना दैनिक जीवन संभालें।

BrahmDevYadav 1 year 5 months ago

नशे की लत बुरी होती है। हमें कभी नशा नहीं करना चाहिए।

BrahmDevYadav 1 year 5 months ago

It is very harmful for everyone to take drugs addiction. We should avoid forever and spread the awareness against intoxication of things in the society. Every parents should be careful towards their children not to take any type of drugs.

Kanwaljeet Kour 1 year 5 months ago

Strict action should be taken against drug dealers. Counselling of parents would help a lot to prevent school going children to become drug addicts