The UT of Jammu and Kashmir has embarked on an ambitious and extensive programme of reaching out to grass root citizens to create an earnest desire for a decent standard of living in the rural masses.
The ‘Back to Village’ program is aimed to involve the citizens of the state and government officials in a joint effort to deliver the mission to achieve equitable development. The program seeks to energise Panchayats and direct development efforts in rural areas through community participation.
Despite the importance of the official machinery to guide and assist, the primary responsibility for improving the local conditions rests on the local population. Therefore, people must be encouraged to own a programme to maximise its impact.
Hence, citizens are invited to share their ideas and suggestions.
Last date of submission is 30th November 2022.
SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago
In Nepal, from 1967 to 1975, a national campaign was held with the title “Back To Village”. Its aim was to bring development of the rural population at par with the urban populace. This was treated as a successful event in the history of Nepal. Many governments were encouraged by the success of this programme and our own governments were encouraged by the success of this programme and our own government also decided to launch its own “Back To Village”.
SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago
Back to village programme phases already done laid stress on the following points;
Energising panchayats
Collecting feedback on the delivery of sarkari schemes
Economic potential
Assessment of the needs of the villages
SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago
This approach builds trust among the common people and by this way the ties between the people and the sarkar strengthens. It is a kind of bottom-up approach and is better than top down approach regarding Policy Planning.
SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago
Back to village is a good initiative with a lot of potential for shortening the communication gap between the administration and the common masses. Administration arrives at the doorsteps of the common people to understand their grievances and address them on the spot.
SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago
social audits after completion of a work can ensure that quality of the work is in tune with quantity and estimated cost, the planned outputs and outcome are achieved, and benefits are reached to the targeted sections of the society.
SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago
Social audit done at planning stages can ensure that the plan is need-based and drawn up in consultation with the people; social audit conducted during the preparation stage of a scheme can ensure that estimates are proper, taking into account the priorities and aspirations of the community; social audits carried out during implementation stage can ensure that the scheme is implemented as planned;
SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago
Another significant step is combining social audits with community-based monitoring, which can strengthen the state’s planning and oversight processes. As social audit is carried out by the people who must reap the planned benefits of government programmes, the implementation gap can be bridged to a great extent by eliminating leakage, diversion and misuse of funds.
SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago
People’s participation in planning, budgeting, resource mobilisation and decision-making is indispensable for bringing social, political, cultural and financial inclusion. Good governance can happen only when its essential attributes like accountability, transparency, rule of law, participation of stakeholders in decision-making and development process are facilitated. The grassroots democracy must truly reflect the rule of the people.
SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago
There must be simple, robust and easy-to-follow bottomup development planning process by the people, supported by proper accounting and social audits at all the three levels of panchayats. Such a system can safeguard against fraud, waste, and misuse of resources and proper execution of programmes.
SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago
People must be empowered to participate in decisionmaking processes, enjoying equality, liberty, fraternity, fundamental rights and basic human needs. Constitutional provisions must besupplemented by adequate checks and balances, led by vigilant, responsible and dedicated political leadership. There should be people’s participation in designing appropriate village development plans, preparation of people’s budget, with prioritisation and allocation of resources based on their needs.