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Share your Ideas and Suggestions on Back to Village Program

Start Date: 01-11-2022
End Date: 30-11-2022

The UT of Jammu and Kashmir has embarked on an ambitious and extensive programme of reaching out to grass root citizens to create an earnest desire for a decent standard of living ...

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The UT of Jammu and Kashmir has embarked on an ambitious and extensive programme of reaching out to grass root citizens to create an earnest desire for a decent standard of living in the rural masses.

The ‘Back to Village’ program is aimed to involve the citizens of the state and government officials in a joint effort to deliver the mission to achieve equitable development. The program seeks to energise Panchayats and direct development efforts in rural areas through community participation.

Despite the importance of the official machinery to guide and assist, the primary responsibility for improving the local conditions rests on the local population. Therefore, people must be encouraged to own a programme to maximise its impact.

Hence, citizens are invited to share their ideas and suggestions.

Last date of submission is 30th November 2022.

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440 Record(s) Found

SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago

The nation-building process must begin at the bottom of the pyramid; we have to transform rural India and people at the grassroots must be empowered. Even after more than two decades of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment of 1992—aimed at creation of a three-tier panchayati raj structure at district, block and village levels—most states and UTs except Kerala have not devolved all the 29 subjects listed in the 11th schedule of the Constitution.

SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago

Disparity between SC and non-SC population in terms of common socioeconomic indicators (e.g. literacy rate, completion rate of elementary education, Infant Mortality Rate/ Maternal Mortality Ratio (IMR/MMR), ownership of productive assets, etc.) is eliminated, the indicators are raised to at least the level of the national average.

SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago

The objective of PMAGY is to ensure integrated development of the selected villages into “model villages” so that, they have all requisite physical and social infrastructures for their socio-economic development, and satisfy the norms mentioned in the vision of an adarsh gram to the maximum possible extent.

SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago

Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY), a government of India initiative for the empowerment of deprived sections, aims to achieve integrated development of selected villages through convergent implementation of all relevant Central and state schemes.

SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago

Increased use of e-governance by PRIs will help achieve improved service delivery and transparency. The scheme will strengthen Gram Sabhas to function as effective institutions with social inclusion of citizens particularly the vulnerable groups.

SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago

The scheme is designed keeping in view programmatic convergence with Mission Antyodaya Gram Panchayats and 115 Aspirational districts as identified by NITI Aayog. As panchayats have representation of SCs, STs and women, and are institutions closest to the grass¬roots, strengthening panchayats will promote equity and inclusiveness, along with social justice and economic development of the community.

SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago

Priority will be given to subjects of national importance that affects the excluded groups the most, e.g. poverty, primary health services, nutrition, immunization, sanitation, education, water conservation, digital transactions etc.

SUTHAHAR P 2 years 3 months ago

The approved scheme of RGSA will help more than 2.55 lakh PRIs to develop governance capabilities to deliver on SDGs through inclusive local governance with focus on optimum utilisation of available resources. The key principles of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), i.e. leaving no one behind, reaching the farthest first and universal coverage, along with gender equality will be embedded in the design of all capacity building interventions including trainings, training modules and materials.