The UT of Jammu and Kashmir has embarked on an ambitious and extensive programme of reaching out to grass root citizens to create an earnest desire for a decent standard of living in the rural masses.
The ‘Back to Village’ program is aimed to involve the citizens of the state and government officials in a joint effort to deliver the mission to achieve equitable development. The program seeks to energise Panchayats and direct development efforts in rural areas through community participation.
Despite the importance of the official machinery to guide and assist, the primary responsibility for improving the local conditions rests on the local population. Therefore, people must be encouraged to own a programme to maximise its impact.
Hence, citizens are invited to share their ideas and suggestions.
Last date of submission is 30th November 2022.
Farvez Basha D 2 years 3 months ago
An adolescent to adolescent education programme is undertaken in all villages through these groups.
Farvez Basha D 2 years 3 months ago
At the village level, an elected body of the adolescent girls has been formed, which is known as Kishori Panchayat.
Farvez Basha D 2 years 3 months ago
Adolescent Girls’ groups (Kishori Panchayat): The Institute has taken an initiative to form groups of adolescent girls in all the villages of its field practice area.
Farvez Basha D 2 years 3 months ago
Kisan Vikas Manch in the villages of Anji PHC area came together to form a federation. The federation engages experts in the agriculture sector for capacity building of the members of Kisan Vikas Manch, so that farmers can get better yield from their agricultural land.
Farvez Basha D 2 years 3 months ago
The health action agenda is added to the primary purpose so as to empower them to actively participate in the health program.
Farvez Basha D 2 years 3 months ago
The Institute provides learning opportunities for members to improve their agricultural yield and in turn improve their economical status.
Farvez Basha D 2 years 3 months ago
Kisan Vikas Manch: Kisan Vikas Manch (Farmers’ club) has evolved as a way to involve men in health activities at village level.
Farvez Basha D 2 years 3 months ago
A total of 275 Self-Help Groups are functioning in the adopted villages of the Institute.
Farvez Basha D 2 years 3 months ago
The department has now achieved formation of 3–4 SHGs per village in all villages in its field practice area.
Farvez Basha D 2 years 3 months ago
MGIMS fully appreciates the critical link between women empowerment and community development as it plays a catalytic role to add health action agenda to their primary micro finance function. With this, women have been empowered to determine health priorities and play a proactive role in health care delivery in their villages.